Limited Time Membership Deal
The Deal
$19 Joining Fee (Normally $99)
+ 2 Weeks FREE!
Exclusively available on selected Membership types between
Monday 31 August and Sunday 6 September.
What’s Included In Your Membership?
- Access to Mind Body, Dance, Strength, High Intensity, Senior and Functional Training Classes
- Complimentary Body Composition Scan to track your progress
- 3 x Coaching sessions with a Gym Floor Coach to set you on the right track
- Access to State of the Art Training Facilities and Equipment
- Access to 5 different Training Zones including Cardio Strength, Core, Functional Training, Synergy and the Group Fitness App
- Ample Parking with 24/7 surveillance and security
- Become a Member of a supportive, welcoming and motivated community – Everyone is welcome!
- We take our COVIDSafe Plan and initiatives seriously – Click here for what we are doing to keep our community safe
Why wait any longer? Now is the time to prioritize your Health + Fitness… Reap the benefits and FEEL GOOD.
Exercise is scientifically proven to improve your Quality of Life.
- Mental Health
- Physical Wellness
- Mental Focus
- Injury Prevention
- Social and a sense of Community
We are looking forward to getting in touch with you.
Fill out the form below to start your Journey.
You won’t regret it.
By submitting this form, you will receive a call from your Members Services Coordinator, Neil who will take you through the next steps!
Terms and Conditions apply
Must be or become a DOOLEYS Lidcombe Catholic Club member before finalizing your membership. Click to to join or be ready with your Photo ID when you come in to setup your Gym Membership
Membership deal is exclusively available on the Lifestyle Direct Debit, Family Direct Debit, Off peak Direct Debit or 6 or 12 Month Upfront Membership Options
A pro-rata payment will be paid covering for the days you start your membership until the first direct debit – Your 2 weeks FREE period will either be from the 3 September or if you join after the 3 September, your 2 week free period will be for 2 weeks from 17 September 2020.
All members are bound by the Conditions of Entry, COVID-Safe Golden Rules and Terms and Conditions respective to the membership type selected at the time of finalizing membership

We know times might feel uncertain and some may be asking, are Gyms safe?
The answer is: We are.
We can reassure you we have gone and will continue to go above and beyond recommendations by NSW Health + Fitness Australia to give you a place where you can exercise, with peace of mind.
- All staff are wearing masks and members are offered masks on arrival at their choice
- 2 x Full Time cleaners on from open to close every day disinfecting equipment, change rooms and regular touch points
- Not allowing people in who have been to any venues flagged by NSW Health in the last 14 Days
- Compulsory temperature clearance on arrival
- Reduced number of participants in Group Fitness Classes
- Equipment is spaced to offer 4m2 per person
- Social Distancing markers
- No Towel No Entry
- An additional 14 Hand Sanitizer dispensers posted throughout the facility