Golden Standards at Dooleys Health + Fitness
We are committed to providing a safe, clean and respectful environment for all members and guests at DOOLEYS Health + Fitness. Our Golden Standards have been established to ensure we are able to deliver on this with the assistance and support of our members.
Please carry a towel at all times
Please carry a towel at all times during your workout. By using a towel, you are preventing the spread of bacteria and germs! Our gym staff do the best to ensure all members are using towels by asking on entry.
If you have forgotten your towel, you can hire one from Gym Reception for $3.
Treat Equipment with care
Dropping and slamming weights is not allowed at DOOLEYS Health + Fitness. Doing so damages equipment and flooring.
Please return all equipment
Please return your weights & equipment neatly to the correct storage place after use.
Returning equipment makes it easier for the next person to locate what they’re looking for and prevents trip hazards!
Please remember to wear antiperspirant deodorant
During your workout, please remember to always wear antiperspirant deodorant.
If you have forgotten to wear deodorant, this can be provided by Gym staff upon request.
Please do not use mobile devices
Do not use mobile devices for prolonged periods while using a machine.
Please wipe down equipment after use
There are antibacterial wipes available all around the gym. Wiping down machines after use help prevent the spread of bacteria and germs.
Lockers are provided for your convenience
Please do not leave belongings on the floor while training. Lockers are provided to you free of charge to encourage putting your things away in a safe location.
During peak periods, please limit machine use
During peak periods, please limit machine use to a maximum of 20 minutes.
You never know when someone is waiting to use the machine you are on.
At Dooleys Health + Fitness, we pride ourselves on maintaining a safe, comfortable and hygienic environment for all. Please assist us in ensuring all of our members enjoy their training by observing our golden standards during your workout.