Class Feedback Form

Class Feedback Form

DD slash MM slash YYYY
Did the instructor arrive earlier than the scheduled class time?
Did the instructor provide general instructions? For e.g., set-up, brief description, safety.

Score each section from 1 (needs improvement) to 5 (exceeds expectations)

Class design

Taught the class as per the timetable description
Adapted the class to the needs of the participants?
Displayed knowledge of exercises – could correct or modify technique (giving alternative options)
Music selection & volume level are suitable to class


Can you hear instructor clearly and understand instructions?
Uses different tones of voice (conversational, motivational)
Delivers the right information, including safety tips and progressions
Instructor engaged all participants


Creates a dynamic environment in which participants are challenged
Uses motivational and appropriate language?
Challenges participants to explore advanced options
Finishes the session on a high note – Members are challenged and satisfied

Your overall experience

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